hxdq 发表于 2011-6-18 09:54:07

谢谢诸位,我已联系Stanley Chen ,希望能帮我解决此事

割肉补疮 发表于 2011-6-20 23:47:34

楼主没有后续了 ?看来MBT 反应还是有点慢呀 。

hxdq 发表于 2011-6-23 08:46:58



我了解您的处境,但New account 沒有权限來处理"Cross adjustment"
您可以email 到 support@mbtrading.com,提供您的賬号日期併詳細說明您的問題,您可以直接請客服主管直接回答您問題

Just to be clear, it isn't a withdrawal. It is a balancing to show proper balance in MT4 to match your actual transactions. And again, if you go through them manually and add them all up together (not the PnL one by one but the total trades), you will see that the balance is correct.

Chris Mercer | Director of MBT World | MB Trading
1926 E. Maple Ave | El Segundo, CA | 90245
480.409.0914 | Fax: 480.659.5669
Skype: mbt_cmercer

#1 Trade Technology – Barrons 2010

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Huang ianhyp@gmail.com]

- Hide quoted text -
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2011 10:12 AM
To: c.mercer@mbtrading.com
Subject: Re: Should I pay for the mistake of MBTF's trading platforms?

But how can I flat an order "not displayed"(full filled but patially
displayed) in MT4?
And the numbers in desktop record is also not correct.How can I believe the withdraw of 852.94 was reasonable.

On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 12:58 AM, Chris Mercer <c.mercer@mbtrading.com> wrote:
> "Cross adjustment" = The actual accounting in your account occurs in Desktop. MT4 has tons of issues with swaps, commissions, trade corrections, etc., that don't pick up balances when attached to an ECN that has to do FIFO accounting. If you always watch your balance in Desktop, you'll always know the actual number. On some occasions, when you are flat at rollover, the accounting department may notice and make the adjustment to your MT4 screen to correct the balance there and bring it in line with the real balance. Accounting went through every buy and sell transaction manually in your account and added them up manually and determined that everything from 5/2 until today adds up in Desktop correctly. If you go through and do the same, you will find the same. MT4 was adjusted accordingly.
> By the way, don't try to look at per trade PnL when you have multiple positions in one trade (you keep circling the PnL on one trade, but the cost basis for that trade is different). Add up all buys and their value and then all sells and their value, and it is correct.
> Then, from now on, watch Desktop at all times.
> Chris Mercer | Director of MBT World | MB Trading
> 1926 E. Maple Ave | El Segundo, CA | 90245
> 480.409.0914 | Fax: 480.659.5669
> Skype: mbt_cmercer
> #1 Trade Technology – Barrons 2010
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Huang ianhyp@gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, June 17, 2011 9:49 AM
> To: c.mercer@mbtrading.com
> Subject: Re: Should I pay for the mistake of MBTF's trading platforms?
> Have't yet. Eric France replied once. Explain "Cross Adjustment"
> again. I have contacted Stanley Chen for help.
> On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 11:59 PM, Chris Mercer <c.mercer@mbtrading.com> wrote:
>> Did someone else get back to you again regarding this?
>> Chris Mercer | Director of MBT World | MB Trading
>> 1926 E. Maple Ave | El Segundo, CA | 90245
>> 480.409.0914 | Fax: 480.659.5669
>> Skype: mbt_cmercer
>> #1 Trade Technology – Barrons 2010
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Ian Huang ianhyp@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Monday, June 13, 2011 9:04 AM
>> To: mtsupport@mbtrading.com; Trade Desk
>> Subject: Should I pay for the mistake of MBTF's trading platforms?
>> Sirs,
>> There are several evident errors in my order history records of the
>> last month,and the errors lead to a "cross adjustment" of $-854 in my
>> accout. Chris Mercer ,the man I contacted said it is caused by
>> mismatching of MT4 and Desktop. But in this instance, I was unable to
>> avoid,prevent or even discover the mistake of platform. So I can't accept such "adjustment" . I want my money back.
>> Ian Huang

raymund 发表于 2011-6-23 13:48:12


[ 本帖最后由 raymund 于 2011-6-23 13:50 编辑 ]

割肉补疮 发表于 2011-6-23 19:45:11

唉,这显然是足球队员嘛,哪里是什么客服 ?

遮天 发表于 2011-6-26 00:40:47

广外龙少 发表于 2011-6-26 14:10:59

回复 36# 的帖子

意思是 问题 踢来踢去 不给你解决~!

割肉补疮 发表于 2011-6-26 20:11:48

拿不回那点钱,好歹也出口恶气。相信看到这种贴子并相信的人是不会再去开MBT的 。:@ :@ :@

freerico 发表于 2011-7-9 03:15:57

o ,还有这回事?


xiaoz 发表于 2011-7-12 12:32:49

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