thanksu 发表于 2008-3-1 21:38:53

原帖由 linx 于 2008-2-29 11:18 发表
不是说“用港币做基础货币的话 杠杆就只有30倍了”,大家恐怕有点理解偏差

IB的平台上,外汇交易的杠杆是看你所交易的货币,而不是你的基础货币。比如你交易EUR/USD,那么杠杆是50倍,如果你交易了10万的头寸,那 ...


wwwfff831 发表于 2008-3-8 14:05:19


hiro 发表于 2008-3-8 18:11:17


iceyubb 发表于 2008-4-1 14:55:31

如果在国内的银行帐户, 我们开港币的户和开美圆的户,是不是就是最后资金直接汇到了香港或者美国的区别?然后出金是从香港或者美国汇回来?



iceyubb 发表于 2008-4-1 15:01:53


weijian 发表于 2008-4-1 21:53:41

Forex trading is only allowed in a Reg T Margin or Portfolio Margin accounts and the same rules apply. All assets in each currency are combined to determine a single net asset value in that currency. The margin for non-base currency assets is determined by taking the margin rate from the following table times the net asset value in the currency. There is no margin for base currency assets.
The following are the margin requirements for each currency.
Leverage RateMargin Requirement %1USD, EUR, JPY, CHF, GBP, AUD, CAD50:12%HKD, SEK, NOK30:13.33%MXN, NZD20:15%KRW, ILS210:110%
In the following example, assume the base currency for the account is USD and the net asset value positions (the sum of the values of all stock, cash, option, etc positions in each currency are as follows:
[*]USD 50,000[*]EUR 30,000[*]CHF -39,000[*]MXN -100,000[*]Determine the net asset value (net liquidation value) for each currency. In this example, this is shown in columns 1 and 2 of the example table.[*]Convert all non-base currency positions to base currency using prevailing market rates between the asset currency and base currency, here, USD. (column 3). This result is shown in column 4.[*]Apply the margin rate for each currency (column 5).[*]Calculate the margin in base currency as the net asset value from each original currency converted to USD multiplied by the margin for that currency (column 4 times column 5). The result is shown in column 6.[*]The total margin requirement is the sum of each currency sourced margin requirement. In our example, the total margin requirement in base currency, USD, is $2,722.38. As the total net liquidating value expressed in USD is $46,476.19, the excess liquidity is the difference, $44,203.81.

[*]Margin Requirement % = 1/Leverage Rate.[*]Currencies expected to be added to the IB IDEALPRO platform in the 4th quarter 2007.[*]US IRA margin accounts are never allowed to borrow non-base currencies.

manho 发表于 2008-4-6 05:15:45

感觉IB上存在不少麻烦.而且什么费用都高.真的选择的话.应该会选择currenex 或者MB这些的.IB平台上的交易品种和功能的确又非常吸引我.就是费用太高了.存款竟然要收取1%的存款费.而且在网上注册帐户的时候,有很多费用收取的,详细的费用不太清楚,呵呵英文不好.杠杆也比较低.我一直都想找个好的平台做代理的.不过这个选择似乎又要放弃了.而且在nfa里有不少被罚款和赔款的事情.


还有注册太麻烦了.我花了差不多30分钟去注册才完成.:( :( :(

weijian 发表于 2008-4-6 08:06:05



weijian 发表于 2008-4-6 08:11:19

你所说的另外的“许多费用”,我估计是交易所要收取的“Data subscription fee"。你可以选择想要订的,放弃不需要订阅的费用。比如香港期货交易所的费用是免费的,美国股票和大部分期货费用只有每个月10元的费用,而且每月的交易佣金超过30美元的话,该费用豁免。香港交易所收费月200港币。如果你不订阅数据,仍然可以通过平台下单交易。

weijian 发表于 2008-4-6 08:15:01

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