MBTF400刀起步走 发表于 2014-4-13 09:56:33



MB Trading成为美国第一家在迅速成长的外汇交易平台cTrader上提供交易的外汇经纪商。

美国外汇市场早已渴望这个平台,来自Spotware Systems最新数据显示,在2013年,根据cTrader的 iOS应用下载量,美国排名第二。此外,MB Trading的首席执行官Ross Ditlove指出,该决定是受到cTrader在欧洲和亚洲的增长的影响。他补充说,经纪商在寻求为交易者提供更多的交易环境,并且它的客户现在能够测试cTrader,将其和他们目前的平台进行比较。对于这个问题,我们应该提及的是,该外汇经纪商还支持MetaTrader 4 ,是交易者在欧亚大陆非常流行的选择。

该经纪商,闻名于其多元化的业务组合,不仅包括外汇,还有股票,期货及期权,正在用Spotware Systems的产品进一步扩大其平台的产品列表,为客户提供一流的外汇交易解决方案。我们已经讨论了无数次的创新能力,cTrader就是这样的典型:例如,在过去的三个月里,一些令人兴奋的新功能已被添加到该平台,包括点和实时图表,以及新的时间框架(顺便说一下, MetaTrader 4不支持 ) 。但是,当然, cTrader爱好者喜欢这个平台也有其他的原因,包括其直观的界面,在平台上快速执行启用的订单,以及(鼓掌)cAlgo环境,它允许交易者建立自己的自动交易应用。

MB Trading为模拟和真实账户都提供交易,这为更多的交易者开辟了道路,无论是想要简单地测试cTrader的新手, 还是专业的交易者。

cTrader现在获得一个有价值的合作伙伴,Spotware Systems的首席执行官Andrey Pavlov说,合作将在未来得到加强。同时,支持cTrader的外汇经纪商名单一直在增长,最近澳大利亚的Pepperstone把它添加到其产品。这份名单已经包括像FxPro, RoboForex和ThinkForex的名字。


MB Trading Becomes First US Forex Broker to Offer cTrader Platform

(El Segundo, CA) – April 8, 2014 – Manhattan Beach Trading Financial Services, Inc. and MB Trading FX (collectively referred to as “MB Trading”), a technology-driven, low-commission brokerage specializing in order routing in Forex, Equities, Futures, and Options through various global exchanges and electronic networks, announced today that it has become the first US Forex broker to offer Spotware’s cTrader trading platform for Forex customers. The platform is now available for Demo and Live trading via www.mbtrading.com.

“MB Trading has always been interested in offering the latest platforms for traders,” explains Ross Ditlove, CEO of MB Trading. “We are impressed with the growth of cTrader in Europe and Asia and found the refined interface, efficient charting, and outstanding algorithmic trading language to be an exciting FOREX technology asset. We are thrilled to be the first US broker to offer this new platform and encourage both manual and script-based Forex traders to compare it to their current platform. MB Trading, is pleased to be partnered with Spotware and will continue to implement deeper and tighter integration with our trading systems.”

cTrader’s state-of-the-art platform suite includes the world’s first HTML 5 interface that uses the latest web technologies to offer a crisp and speedy look and feel. The platform includes ladder trading, 1-click trading, and simple trading from the charts. In addition, cTrader offers apps for iOS and Android and is complemented by the cAlgo platform, which lets Forex traders write automated trading robots that can monitor the markets and execute trades round the clock without trader intervention.

“We’re very excited to integrate with MB Trading in particular,” says Andrey Pavlov, CEO of Spotware. “MB Trading has a long history of developing new technologies for execution in all markets, and we look forward to a long and successful partnership. The cTrader platform has grown more and more robust in the last year, and we look to offer it globally to help traders move away from other more dated platforms.”

关于MB Trading

MB Trading,美国金融业监管局和美国证券投资者保护公司的会员;MB Trading期货公司,外汇零售交易商和美国全国期货协会会员。股票,期货,期权和外汇交易是投机性的,不适合所有投资者。投资者只有在期货,期权及外汇交易时,可以使用风险资本,因为总是有大幅亏损的风险。帐户访问,交易执行和系统响应,可能会受到市场条件,报价延迟,系统性能及其他不利因素的影响

[ 本帖最后由 MBTF400刀起步走 于 2014-4-13 09:59 编辑 ]

MBTF400刀起步走 发表于 2014-4-13 09:57:30


MBTF400刀起步走 发表于 2014-4-13 10:20:25

http://www.mbtrading.com/ctrader/   有图有真相,MBT官网上的@@@@@@@ !@@ 准备下这个平台来试用呵呵@@@@

nzuri 发表于 2014-4-14 12:03:14

恩,Ctrader是很赞,尤其是图标交易很赞(和ninjia trader有一拼),而且用Ctrader的交易商其实走的都是Ctrader平台自己的服务器,貌似和Currenex有点类似,交易商只是自己接入流动性,其他的都是Ctrader自己的架构。最赞的就是Ctrader在香港和新加坡都有服务器,反正在中国用Ctrader的话,下面会有显示服务器一般都是HK或者SG,而且延迟很少。


changzai666666 发表于 2014-4-14 20:19:24


fxdream 发表于 2014-4-15 21:06:31

比MBT DESKTOPMT4强多了 网络很好的

fxdream 发表于 2014-4-15 21:06:53

比MBT DESKTOPMT4强多了 网络很好的

MBTF400刀起步走 发表于 2014-4-16 01:39:34


MBTF400刀起步走 发表于 2014-4-16 01:40:35

回复 6# 的帖子


fxdream 发表于 2014-4-18 00:06:22

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查看完整版本: 最近忙于其他重要事务,木上论坛,好像MBTF出新平台cTrader了