ODL US 1月23日将停止运营
已经发邮件通知客户,并通知客户其账户将转到FXCM名下。联系最近目前的情势:ACM关闭美国机构的运营,Alpari也很大可能关闭其美国分支,看来将来美国本土的经纪商就剩那么几家了。大多数想进入这个行业的经纪商将把重点放到英国等注册成本很低的国度,唯一遗憾的是无法继续招揽美国客户。 得,刚刚准备撤掉 IFX 板块 换上 ODL。
这对ODL来讲可是够利空的了……但对美国本土交易商来说,却是天大的利好!呵呵。 刚看了CFTC的月度统计,发现到今年5月最后期限的话,可能就:FXCM,OANDA,GAIN,GFT,FXSOL,CMS,IBFX,PFG好象能达标的.那就是说美国的外汇商从春秋群雄时代转到战国寡头时代了. 恩 是的。
另外HOT和MBT也没问题。这样也好,市场定型后客户也不需要花太多时间考虑这考虑那了,挑一家适合自己风格的经纪商就足以。 门槛儿高了是好事啊。可以换上gft啊为什么外汇堂mm区没有gft? 这消息哪里来的?网址麻烦公布下,谢谢
GFT不接受中国大陆的开户申请! 这消息哪里来的?网址麻烦公布下,谢谢http://www.fxstreet.com/news/forex-news/article.aspx?StoryId=10f6f438-1c7a-4584-b8ec-cb706e07fb77
ODL Securities, the leading independent FOREX, derivatives, equity, spread betting and commodity trading house has sold the US division of its profit making US Forex business to Forex Capital Markets LLC (FXCM).
The move follows the current and planned implementation of new and more complex regulatory rules that have made it increasingly burdensome for all Forex Dealer Members to operate in the United States. These include increases in the minimum amount of regulatory capital that a Forex Dealer Member must maintain - up by three times over the past year and due to increase further in May to $30mn.
A strategic decision was therefore taken by ODL to use its financial capital more efficiently to fuel its growth in other parts of the world.
As part of its expansion strategy ODL Securities will open new JV offices in Turkey and Australia in the very near future, and expand its operations in Japan and Canada. In the UK head office, the business has been restructured to improve its offering with a focus on multi-lingual customer service and support (ODL now has clients from over 100 countries).
Announcing the sale, Graham Wellesley, Chief Executive of ODL Securities, said: “This has been a hard decision for us to make, ODL Securities Inc. is a very successful and profitable operation, but we could not justify disproportionately supporting one of our smaller subsidiaries.
“We remain firmly committed to expanding our international reach and to that end we have dramatically strengthened the management and resources of our UK Sales and Servicing Teams as well as developing new ventures in Europe, Asia and Australia. We remain profitable and our strategy will continue to focus on growing the business in 2009.”
宣布售出后,ODL的CEO Graham Wellesley说“对ODL作为一个非常成功而且赚钱的机构来说,这是一次艰难的决定,但是我们认为将过多的资源投入到一个比较小的市场是不恰当的”
“我们将坚定的执行我们的国际化扩展政策,为了达到此目标我们将大力提升我们在英国的销售和服务队伍,并同时在欧洲、亚洲、澳大利亚开展业务。我们依然会在2009年保持盈利和发展状态。” 简单翻译下。
3,大家都看准亚洲市场了 尤其是中国 “钱多人傻、速来”:lol 为什么GFT不接受大陆客户的申请?