据报道,被怀疑涉嫌一起金融诈骗、由28名警察组成的调查团队于4月3日突袭ACM驻日内瓦的总部,带走相关文件,一台电脑以及其他相关证据。同时一名交易员以及4名高管,公司创始人之一在各自家中接受了问询。ACM表示目前不方便做出评论。目前还没人被逮捕。警方认为需要几周时间调查此案件。 只要IB和MB健在就好~~ ACM就此事发出公告,全文如下
On Thursday the 2nd of April, on the basis of counterfeit documents produced by a former client, the authorities in Geneva visited ACM’s offices.
Collaborating in a transparent and active way, ACM delivered all information required.
All elements prove ACM’s good faith and it remains clear that the company has fallen victim to a former client bent on malicious intent.
In return, ACM has lodged a complaint against this former client with accusations of blackmail, defamation and forgery of documents.
The activities of the company have naturally continued as normal.
Since its creation, ACM has constantly experienced strong growth and has offices in Geneva, New York, Dubai, Montevideo and has recently opened an office in Zurich.
At end of March, the company submitted its official request for a banking licence to FINMA.
大意是此次调查和2年前一个墨西哥机构客户有关,该客户伪造相关文件来要挟ACM。ACM已就此提出反诉。目前警方正在调查中,ACM业务不受影响。 除了臭名昭著的forex.ch和最近有点麻烦的皇冠外汇Crown Forex(在等待法院最后的裁判,基本没戏了)
瑞士零售外汇经纪商只剩下Mig, Dukascopy, ACM。但愿这三位选手都能申请到银行牌照 acm保证成交的承诺,不是一般做市商敢说的出口的,美国目前还没有一个这样的外汇商,估计他的问题不大,好象是一般客户纠纷? 保证成交?连银行都不敢说这句话。