谁了解这个交易商,varengold bank fx
大家有用这个交易商的吗?http://www.varengoldbankfx.com/cn/%E9%A6%96%E9%A1%B5.html 好像是德国一家小投行下面的外汇子平台:) 小投行的网站:http://www.varengold.de/cn/%E9%A6%96%E9%A1%B5.html
说小也不算小,起码是法兰克福上市公司~:lol http://www.currensee.com/about-us/news-events/Currensee-announces-partnership-varengold-bank-fx
About Varengold
Varengold Wertpapierhandelsbank AG is a German investment bank offering Asset Management and Capital-Markets-Brokerage. Varengold is a global FX player with clients from over 85 different countries and a range of selected partners including banks, brokers, hedge funds and assets managers. Varengold manages funds from retail and institutional investors in customised managed futures products authorised for public sale. Varengold achieved strong trading results ever since its foundation thanks to its experience and expertise. Seeking to offer transparent, high-performing and liquid financial products, Varengold is one of the most prominent and successful asset managers in its class in the world. Varengold Wertpapierhandelsbank AG (ISIN DE0005479307) has been listed on the Entry Standard of Deutsche Börse in Frankfurt since the 20th of March 2007 and registered with the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). More information on the company can be found at www.varengoldbankfx.com and www.varengold.de. 用过模拟的,不错。也算正规平台,还算严谨。