有人试过吗???? 红星同学~~~有了解吗? 还有这个原文地址 http://www.mbtinstitutional.com/mbtx.aspMBTX is not an ECN
MB Trading is a broker dealer with sophisticated systems and algorithms developed and maintained by some of the leading industry programmers. MB Trading understands how aggregating ECNs, market makers, and exchanges can be leveraged to create a "super route" capable of overcoming the shortfalls of each individual route. By combining all possible execution methods into one route, we are able to provide extraordinary order efficiency as well as several undeniable benefits:
[ 本帖最后由 maxgogo 于 2010-6-15 04:09 编辑 ] vps是什么?:lol :L先手动交易能赚钱,再考虑用VPS跑自动化吧,不要好高骛远 原来是自动化交易,懂啦:)
原帖由 cww2 于 2010-6-15 11:21 发表 http://www.forex-town.com/images/common/back.gif
回复 2# 的帖子
对EA无爱,所以俺没用,不过在FF看到有人讨论。我想对于天朝子民而言,VPS更重要的不是速度,而是能够不受网络限制吧。p.s:看来我要换个拉风的ID,PipKing 如何?(不是PimpKing哦) 哈哈 还是叫pip哥吧。。。:lol
原帖由 redstart 于 2010-6-15 13:33 发表 http://www.forex-town.com/images/common/back.gif
p.s:看来我要换个拉风的ID,PipKing 如何?(不是PimpKing哦) 哈哈 简称pp哥 :lol