万分感谢:) ,你的文章很及时没有地址证明资料
请问我没有地址证明资料怎么开户 注册用拼音也是可行的 谢谢楼主的工作
谢谢楼主的工作////////////// 我把我的证明文件(身份证,电费单)等发过去以后,他们给我了如下的答复,大家帮看看,他还要我做啥?
Ticket Number: HD2XXXXXX
Short Description: Back of photo ID required
Thank you for your identification documents.
Kindly send us a copy of the back of your photo identification.
You can either fax this document to +1-212-208-4356 or email a scanned copy or digital image to accountid@oanda.com. Please indicate your user name and account number on your correspondence with us.
Please feel free to contact us at any time with any questions.
Kind Regards,