redstart 发表于 2008-5-30 22:34:39


呵呵 有精力&金钱的朋友 可以尝试下。

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蓝色代表我自己有收藏电子版 需要的朋友 给我PM



Come Into my trading room - Dr Alexander Elder
Trading for a living - Dr Alexander Elder
Trading In The Global Currency Markets - Cornelius Luca
An Introduction to Foreign Exchange & Money Markets - UK Reuters Limited
Getting Started in Currency Trading - Michael Archer
Entries & Exits - Dr Alexander Elder
Trading in the Zone - Mark Douglas
Day Trading the Currency Market - Kathy Lien

Technical Analysis: 技术分析

Technical Analysis Applications In The Global Currency Markets Second Edition - Cornelias Luca
Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets - John Murphy
Technical Analysis - Jack Schwager
Technical Analysis from A to Z, 2nd Edition - Steven Archelis
New Frontiers in Fibonacci Trading - Michael Jardine
Bollinger on Bollinger Bands - John A Bollinger
Technical Analysis from A to Z - Steven Achelis

Fundamental Analysis:基本面
A Study Guide for Fundamental Analysis - Jack Schwager
Trading the Fundamentals - Michael P Niemira
Mechanical Trading Systems - Richard Weissman
The Atlas of Economic Indicators - W Stansbury Carnes
Handbook of Key Economic Indicators - R Mark Rogers

Price Action:价格行为

Japanese Candlestick Charting - Steve Nison
Beyond Candlesticks - Steve Nison
Prechter's Perspective - Robert R Prechter
Profitable Candlestick Trading - Stephen W Bigalow
Elliott Wave Principle - A.J. Frost and Robert Prechter
Trading Classic Chart Patterns - Thomas Bulkowsky

Tradaing Strategies: 交易策略

Trading Systems and Methods - Perry J. Kaufman
The Encyclopedia of Trading Strategies - Jeffrey Owen Katz
Designing testing and Optimization of trading Systems - Robert Pardo


Market Wizards - Jack D. Schwager
Market Wizard - Jack D Schwager
Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom - Van K Tharp
High Probability trading - Marcel Link
Mastering the Trade - John F Carter
Winning the Day Trading Game - Thomas Busby

Money Management, Phycology:资金管理和交易心理

Enhancing Trader Performance - Brett Steenbarger
left brain trading - Lewis Evans
The (Mis) Behavoir of Markets by Benoit Mandlebrot

redstart 发表于 2008-5-30 22:38:46



可能有人会说我掉书袋子 其实我也是有空的时候看看 强化理解

我认为前人总结的东西如果放在现在还有用 那就说明是普适的 至少通过了back-test:lol

高胜算交易 发表于 2009-1-4 11:24:24

:lol :lol :victory: :hug:

gbb_pin119 发表于 2009-4-4 14:35:24

回复 1# 的帖子


morsta 发表于 2009-4-4 19:55:09


thomasliu999 发表于 2010-12-14 07:43:06

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