I trade at LCG with 1M per trade at the liquidity is enough. But if you want to trade with 3 - 5 M per trade you will have some slipagge.London Capital Group also has the EBS platform ( the platform for big players like funds etc... ) . There you have 1 pip spread on eurusd instead of 0.6 average on Currenex, but you have a bigger liquidity, enough to trade with 10 or 20 M per click.这是FF上的原贴 There you have 1 pip spread on eurusd instead of 0.6 average on Currenex, but you have a bigger liquidity, enough to trade with 10 or 20 M per click.
用过的说说 你需要留意,名义点差和执行点差是2回事。在同一个时点在两个平台同时执行10M,比较平均成本,才是正解。 原帖由 天高云淡 于 2010-12-6 14:31 发表
楼上明智。 可能和当时的市场状况和市场深度有关。