Bank:银行 | Citibank, N.A. (New York Branch) |
Bank Codes: | ABA Number: 021000089 SWIFT BIC Code: CITI US 33 |
Bank Account Name: | Interactive Brokers LLC |
For further benefit to: | U******/名字拼音 |
Special Instruction: | For wires originating within the country, send funds via the in-country payment system(s). For wires originating outside the country, send funds via SWIFT. Line 59 of the SWIFT message should include Interactive Brokers LLC Bank Account Number at Citibank and Line 70 of the SWIFT message should include your IB Account Number / IB user name / IB Account holder name(s). |
原帖由 hiro 于 2008-2-27 22:26 发表
我个人的理由是,香港对资金方面的监管比较严(我说的监管,与大陆的那帮“香港平原游击队”无关)。香港有强制性政策,客户资金必须独立 ...
原帖由 linx 于 2008-2-29 11:18 发表
不是说“用港币做基础货币的话 杠杆就只有30倍了”,大家恐怕有点理解偏差
IB的平台上,外汇交易的杠杆是看你所交易的货币,而不是你的基础货币。比如你交易EUR/USD,那么杠杆是50倍,如果你交易了10万的头寸,那 ...
Leverage Rate | Margin Requirement %1 | |
USD, EUR, JPY, CHF, GBP, AUD, CAD | 50:1 | 2% |
HKD, SEK, NOK | 30:1 | 3.33% |
MXN, NZD | 20:1 | 5% |
KRW, ILS2 | 10:1 | 10% |
原帖由 zhb32476 于 2008/4/15 00:25 发表
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