The celery juice will act as a cleansing system for all portions, glandular and digestive of the body, endocrine, lymph and so forth.
Very beneficial in terms of the idea being created that you call disease cancer, in the sense of allowing the system to clean the cells that will allow themselves to be removed.
What you term to be meat should be taken sparingly. Maybe enjoyed from time to time, but not ingested in great quantity.
Cranberry will be highly beneficial for the idea of flushing and elimination, particularly of the area you call the kidney.
You will find that carrot will add tonality to your system and in this way also will bring in certain of the mineral vitamin contents required for the balance of what you call mood, disposition.
In this way what you term to be mushroom will provide you with a great deal of mineral content for similar balance within your system. Also regulatory of the temperature system itself within your body
There will be, what you term to be, high content of certain type of chemical interactions that are beneficial for processing of systems in your body through what you term to be yellow squash
corn will create a different kind of balancing that actually connects into, not only the idea of pineal centers, but also the idea of your entire chakra system and your acupuncture points
梅爾卡巴(Mer Ka Ba)以埃及語言的字義來說,分別是:Mer(光)、KA(靈)和BA(身體)。這個有八個點的四面椎體是你個人的光體載具,它是你用來進入較低振動的次元的交通工具,最後會變成以人類的型態呈現。它可以稱為下降的光體載具(the descending vehicle of Light)。然後這兩個三角錐錯開創造出鑽石的樣子:「梅爾卡巴是由兩個三角錐以相反方向旋轉,同步影響靈(Spirit)和身體。這兩個合併的三角形代表同化的靈魂與你的神我再造你的光體。它是個動態的光域(field of Light),當你的密度愈來愈沉重,它會隨著時間流逝而縮小。在過去,地球上的梅爾卡巴正常旋轉5直徑是55~60英呎(約16.784~18.288 公尺)。它能從一個實相或是次元帶著你的靈與身體到別的實相或次元。它是個跨次元的光之載具。