• 资金安全-美国券商,客户拥有SIPC保险及高达$3000万美元的证券账户保险。公司没有持有任何次级贷资产。
• 跑道迅捷―电子下单,直接进场,每天执行70万笔交易量
• 全球交易-17个国家,70多个交易中心
• 外汇交易-ECN,点差超低,欧元美元点差0.5-2个点
• 证券交易-据有全球先进的Algo 算法交易平台,自动找到最佳成交路径
• 期权交易-全电子化处理,股票期权成交量占全球14%,占美国股票期权的18%
• 佣金超低-CBOT黄豆单边$2.07到$3.05美元(全部包括)
• 港股佣金-每笔交易金额的0.088%(每笔18港币以上)
• 大恒指期货-单边12.8港币到30港币之间
• 获得奖项―2007和讯风云榜最受投资者欢迎的外汇平台奖
• 利息超优-伦敦同业拆借利率Libor贴水0.25%到0.5% 支付;收取升水0.5%到1.5%。作者: lookbbs 时间: 2008-4-9 15:10
最高杠杆1:50, 是对直盘说的. 如果做交叉盘, 要特别注意. 比如说买EUR/AUD, 系统认为你持有EUR, 同时贷款AUD, 这样一来EUR 1:50, AUD 1:50, 事实上杠杆比1:25. 稍不留神就遭遇强制平仓
这个谁知道,能解释一下吗,如果真的,就不太合理了。。作者: weijian 时间: 2008-4-9 16:49 标题: 请参考举例: ExampleIn the following example, assume the base currency for the account is USD and the net asset value positions (the sum of the values of all stock, cash, option, etc positions in each currency are as follows:
USD 50,000
EUR 30,000
CHF -39,000
MXN -100,000
Determine the net asset value (net liquidation value) for each currency. In this example, this is shown in columns 1 and 2 of the example table.
Convert all non-base currency positions to base currency using prevailing market rates between the asset currency and base currency, here, USD. (column 3). This result is shown in column 4.
Apply the margin rate for each currency (column 5).
Calculate the margin in base currency as the net asset value from each original currency converted to USD multiplied by the margin for that currency (column 4 times column 5). The result is shown in column 6.
The total margin requirement is the sum of each currency sourced margin requirement. In our example, the total margin requirement in base currency, USD, is $2,722.38. As the total net liquidating value expressed in USD is $46,476.19, the excess liquidity is the difference, $44,203.81.
Margin Requirement % = 1/Leverage Rate.
Currencies expected to be added to the IB IDEALPRO platform in the 4th quarter 2007.
US IRA margin accounts are never allowed to borrow non-base currencies.