谢谢. GTC解释的很详细.
刚刚live chat了一下. 回答我保证金策略如下:
MBT Kaine: Cash accounts can be opened with just $1,000 and margin accounts with $2,000. Pattern Day trading accounts must have at least a $25,000 balance.
Cash accounts have one times (1x) aggregate trading. In other words, if you have $2,000 in your account, you can make $2,000 worth of buys and sells per day total. You cannot re-use your buying power. You receive no intra-day release from selling your positions.
Margin accounts with less than a $25,000 balance have access to 4:1 buying power intra-day, 2:1 buying power overnight. However, you cannot day trade more than 3 times within a rolling 5-day period (a day trade is defined as buying and selling the same stock during the same day). Once you exceed 3 trades within 5 days, your account will be coded "pattern day trading", you will receive an equity maintenance call. An EM Call states that the account holder must increase equity to $25,000 within 3 business days, or the account will be restricted to "cash" trading.
怎么理解呢? 连续5个交易日内, 做3次同一货币对的交易就被认为是短炒, 就变成非保证金账户的标准了? 什么4:1啊, 隔夜2:1啊.....英文都认识,就是不知道怎么理解......难道没有一个保证金剩下不足百分之多少就强平?
[ 本帖最后由 neo007 于 2009-2-3 10:12 编辑 ] |