这个问题解决了就考虑入金。现在银行管的严,看网上说银邮通好像OANDA不行。本想用工行网上国际汇款。在入金之前要填account profile。我按照我工行帐号的网上国际汇款的样子填,有好几个问题如下。
1. 收款人名称,他们的E-MAIL里面要求是“OANDA Corporation -Customer Funds”。这个东西其实你汇款的时候不好写。客服的答复是:“OANDA Corporation”就可以了。
2. 收款人地址,写OANDA公司的地址:140 Broadway, 46th Floor, New York NY 10005
3. 附言。网上汇款这个附言好像没有。他们的答复是,只要帐户和人名对的上,这个附言没有没关系。
In China, international money transfer is highly restricted with "Wire Transfer" via Chinese bank. I am not very sure whether the bank will let the money go. There is another way for small amount of international money transfer, The PostService of China, which is outside of "the foreign currency international trasnfer restriction in China". But if transfer money via the Post Service of China, there is only receiver's bank account number, no sender's bank account. Is this method okay for OANDA? I also open an account in MBTrading, which can receive this kind of money transfer. If you can receive it too, it will be great easier for me totransfer the money.
Yes, OANDA accepts funds transfer from a general funds sending account from a bank. Please make sure that your name appears on the bank's wire transfer form, in other words, the funds must come under your name.
We also ask you to set up your own bank account profile in Cash Management System as well as send in your bank statement to verify this account. By doing so, when you make any withdrawal request we can assist you to wire transfer funds back to your own bank account.
银邮通很快,早上入,第二天早上就已经完成了。我下了几个单,不错的。我是做中长线的,对帐户要求比较。觉得OANDA还行啊,没有网上那么多问题啊。呵呵。希望给大家开户有一些帮助。 |