As Spot Forex is not a regulated investment instrument, the FSA’s client money rules (including those of trust status through segregation) cannot apply to this business. However, to put your mind at rest I can confirm that LCG is deemed a “full scope” firm by the FSA (which will not be the case for many of our competitors) and as such, meets stringent capitalisation requirements at all times. In addition, we carry out full capital based stress testing as part of our internal capital adequacy assessment process.
最近有看了Lmax,点差在欧洲时段稳定EU 0.3~0.5,开户5W USD的高级账户享受20$/pm,隔夜利息+-0.5。宣传资金完全与运营资金完全隔离。流动性没有LCG的Currenex好,但是对我足够了。据说成交快如闪电。但是看了Multicharts的界面,没有Currenex简洁。WEB Trade还没看到。我喜欢Currenex那种简洁实用的界面。
选来选取,不知道选谁好,呵呵。 |