The exact reason that we changed the ECN to EXN in name is because the NFA now feels that an “ECN” is a technology and not a brokerage. In other words, if we opened up two companies and housed our “ECN technology” in that company and ran that as one business, we could call it an ECN, and then have MB Trading route orders to that ECN. But since we do it exclusively for our customers, there is no reason to do that. Since the brokerage/retail customers are under the same name, we can’t call ourselves an ECN. Retail entities, the way they view it, can’t be an ECN by definition. Has
我们把ECN更名为EXN的原因是NFA现在认为"ECN"是一种技术而不是经纪。换句话说,如果我们(MBT)开两家公司其中一家运营我们的"ECN技术",另一家做经纪,那我们可以继续称这家为ecn,MB Trading只需要将订单传递到那个ECN即可。但因为这个ECN只供我们MBT自身客户使用,所以没理由开两个公司。所以现在是经纪和技术都在一个品牌名字下,我们就不能称自己是ECN。 |