这是我曾经做过的一家外汇公司,老板可是台湾人哦!老板携款逃了,经过3年多历程美国CFTC判罚能够返回我们的钱款。下面是美国律师给的回信:We received your email. The information provided by you agreed with our. We will notify you of additional information required, if any, in the future. The claims procedure will probably take at least six months to a year before distributions can be made.
Very truly yours,
Lillian Lee
Fund Administrator
May 2, 2008
Please see attached notice dated May 2, 2008 and the wiring instructions form. We are mailing the notice and the wiring instructions form to your latest known address to us. You only need to submit the completed wiring instructions form once to the Fund Administrator before the deadline (unless your information has changed after the submission and before the deadline).
Dear CFTC,
My name is hur######i. I have wired to Mer### Wo##### Holdings Inc with 80,000 USD as my investment via ### (Cit# ####and #####tment co,ltd) in order to deal at forex exchange in Oct,#### From then on, because of the bankrupy of CTI,my investment has disppeared. Thus, I provide these information to you. Now, what I have researved is some documents of wiring that amount 80,000 USD.
Are those documents considered as the proofs?
I promise the documents I provide to you is real.
I am in Shanghai, China
these days.
[ 本帖最后由 hurenweijp 于 2008-8-13 12:03 编辑 ] |